North Melbourne Football Club

Makes You Wannabe a Shinboner!
As a nod to the club’s historic beginnings, “Shinboner Spirit” encapsulates the camaraderie and determination of players and members of the North Melbourne Football Club. Featuring the clubs iconic royal-blue and white colour scheme, this impressive graphic addition to the club’s front reception area truly sets an impressive tone from the moment you walk through the door.

Colour is without a doubt the championing feature of this installation. By saturating the space with only different tones of the one color for all the imagery, the designer has created an incredibly striking reception area backdrop for the bold white text. This is its self is basically a visual depiction of the strength and meaning of the words. Strong imagery and quotes are a feature of all the graphics throughout and the colour saturation certainly doesn’t let you forget which club rooms you’re in.
Being a part of a strong team is what Tint Design is all about, so working for companies and organisations who virtually scream the same values is a true honor and privilege.


Soti Inc.


Wesley College Chapel